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Short description of portfolio item number 2
M. Z. Alaya, S. Gaïffas, A. Guilloux
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2015
We consider the problem of learning the inhomogeneous intensity of a counting process, under a sparse segmentation assumption. We introduce a weighted total-variation penalization, using data-driven weights that correctly scale the penalization along the observation interval. We prove that this leads to a sharp tuning of the convex relaxation of the segmentation prior, by stating oracle inequalities with fast rates of convergence, and consistency for change-points detection. Read more
M. Z. Alaya, T. Allart, A. Guilloux, S. Lemler
Preprint, 2017, 2017
We consider the problem of estimating the intensity of a counting process in high-dimensional time-varying Aalen and Cox models. We introduce a covariate-specific weighted total-variation penalization, using data-driven weights that correctly scale the penalization along the observation interval. Read more
M. Z. Alaya, S. Bussy, S. Gaïffas, A. Guilloux
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2019
This paper deals with the problem of large-scale linear supervised learning in settings where a large number of continuous features are available. We propose to combine the well-known trick of one-hot encoding of continuous features with a new penalization called binarsity. In each group of binary features coming from the one-hot encoding of a single raw continuous feature, this penalization uses totalvariation regularization together with an extra linear constraint. Read more
M. Z. Alaya, O. Klopp
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2019
Matrix completion aims to reconstruct a data matrix based on observations of a small number of its entries. Usually in matrix completion a single matrix is considered, which can be, for example, a rating matrix in recommendation system. However, in practical situations, data is often obtained from multiple sources which results in a collection of matrices rather than a single one. In this work, we consider the problem of collective matrix completion with multiple and heterogeneous matrices, which can be count, binary, continuous, etc. Read more
M. Z. Alaya, M. Bérar, G. Gasso, A. Rakotomamonjy
Proceedings Conference NeurIPS, 2019
We introduce in this paper a novel strategy for efficiently approximating the Sinkhorn distance between two discrete measures. After identifying neglectable components of the dual solution of the regularized Sinkhorn problem, we propose to screen those components by directly setting them at that value before entering the Sinkhorn problem. This allows us to solve a smaller Sinkhorn problem while ensuring approximation with provable guarantees. Read more
M. Kechaou, R. Hérault, M. Z. Alaya, G. Gasso
Proceedings Conference ECML-PKDD, 2020
We present a 2-step optimal transport approach that per-forms a mapping from a source distribution to a target distribution. Here, the target has the particularity to present new classes not present in the source domain. The first step of the approach aims at rejecting the samples issued from these new classes using an optimal transport plan. The second step solves the target (class ratio) shift still as an optimal transport problem. Read more
L. Chapel, M. Z. Alaya, G. Gasso
Proceedings Conference NeurIPS, 2020
Classical optimal transport problem seeks a transportation map that preserves the total mass between two probability distributions, requiring their masses to be equal. This may be too restrictive in some applications such as color or shape matching, since the distributions may have arbitrary masses and/or only a fraction of the total mass has to be transported. Read more
R. Flamary, N. Courty, A. Gramfort, M. Z. Alaya, A. Boisbunon, S. Chambon, L. Chapel, A. Corenflos, K. Fatras, N. Fournier, L. Gautheron, N.T.H. Gayraud, H. Janati, A. Rakotomamonjy, I. Redko, A. Rolet, A. Schutz, V. Seguy, D. J. Sutherland, R. Tavenard, A. Tong, T. Vayer
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2021
Optimal transport has recently been reintroduced to the machine learning community thanks in part to novel efficient optimization procedures allowing for medium to large scale applications. We propose a Python toolbox that implements several key optimal transport ideas for the machine learning community. Read more
S. Bussy, M. Z. Alaya, A. Guilloux, A.-S. Jannot
Biometrics, 2021
We introduce the binacox, a prognostic method to deal with the problem of detecting multiple cut-points per features in a multivariate setting where a large number of continuous features are available. The method is based on the Cox model and combines one-hot encoding with the binarsity penalty, which uses total-variation regularization together with an extra linear constraint, and enables feature selection. Read more
M. Z. Alaya, M. Bérar, G. Gasso, A. Rakotomamonjy
Neurocomputing, 2021
We propose a novel approach for comparing distributions whose supports do not necessarily lie on the same metric space. Unlike Gromov-Wasserstein (GW) distance which compares pairwise distances of elements from each distribution, we consider a method allowing to embed the metric measure spaces in a common Euclidean space and compute an optimal transport (OT) on the embedded distributions. This leads to what we call a sub-embedding robust Wasserstein (SERW). Read more
M. Z. Alaya, M. Bérar, G. Gasso, A. Rakotomamonjy
arXiv, 2021
Optimal Transport (OT) metrics allow for defining discrepancies between two probability measures. Wasserstein distance is for longer the celebrated OT-distance frequently-used in the literature, which seeks probability distributions to be supported on the same metric space. Because of its high computational complexity, several approximate Wasserstein distances have been proposed based on entropy regularization or on slicing, and one-dimensional Wassserstein computation. Read more
A. Rakotomamonjy, M. Z. Alaya, M. Bérar, G. Gasso
arXiv, 2021
Gaussian smoothed sliced Wasserstein distance has been recently introduced for comparing probability distributions, while preserving privacy on the data. It has been shown, in applications such as domain adaptation, to provide performances similar to its non-private (non-smoothed) counter-part. However, the computational and statistical properties of such a metric is not yet been well-established. In this paper, we analyze the theoretical properties of this distance as well as those of generalized versions denoted as Gaussian smoothed sliced divergences. Read more
A. Rakotomamonjy, R. Flamary, G. Gasso, M. Z. Alaya, M. Berar, N. Courty
Machine Learning, 2021
We address the problem of unsupervised domain adaptation under the setting of generalized target shift (joint class-conditional and label shifts). For this framework, we theoretically show that, for good generalization, it is necessary to learn a latent representation in which both marginals and class-conditional distributions are aligned across domains. Read more
M. Bouhadida, A. Mazzi, M. Brovchenko, T. Vinchon, M. Z. Alaya, W. Monange, F. Trompier
Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2023
We deploy artificial neural networks to unfold neutron spectra from measured energy-integrated quantities. These neutron spectra represent an important parameter allowing to compute the absorbed dose and the kerma to serve radiation protection in addition to nuclear safety. The built architectures are inspired from convolutional neural networks. The first architecture is made up of residual transposed convolution blocks while the second is a modified version of the U-net architecture. Read more
University Pierre and Marice Curie, Department of Engineering, 2012
University Pierre and Marice Curie, Departement of Mathematics, 2013
University Pierre and Marice Curie, Department of Statistics, 2013
University Pierre and Marice Curie, Departement of Mathematics, 2014
University Pierre and Marice Curie, Department of Statistics, 2015
University Pierre and Marie Curie, Department of Statistics, 2016
University Paris Nanterre, Department of Mathematics, 2016
University Paris Nanterre, Department of Psychology, 2017
UTC, Department of Computer Sciences, 2021
Bases d’algèbre linéaire; diagonalisation, trigonalisaiton et applications pour des systèmes d’équations différentielles.
UTC, Department of Computer Sciences, 2021
Notion d’aléatoire et introduction au calcul des probabilités.
UTC, Department of Computer Sciences, 2022
Continuité, différentiabilité des fonctions de plusieurs variables réelles. Analyse vectorielle. Courbes et surfaces de $\mathbb{R}^3$. Intégrales multiples ; curvilignes, surfaciques. Théorèmes intégraux.
UTC, Department of Computer Sciences, 2022
Synthèse des mathématiques du premier cycle: fonctions d’une ou plusieurs variables, courbes et surfaces, intégrales simples et multiples, équations différentielles, bases de l’algèbre linéaire. L’enseignement se présente sous forme d’un cours-TD fondé sur un document intégrant cours et exercices.
UTC, Department of Computer Sciences, 2023
Premier volet du module initial de mathématiques de Tronc Commun. Il permet d’acquérir les bases indispensables à l’étude des fonctions d’une variable.
UTC, Department of Computer Sciences, 2024
Machine learning (apprentissage automatique ou apprentissage machine) est une branche de l’intelligence artificielle (IA), qui est elle même une branche de la science de données. Ce cours est conçu pour faire une présentation des méthodologies et algorithmes de machine learning, dans leurs concepts comme dans leurs cas typiques d’applications. La mise en ouvre de ces concepts se fait en langage de programmation Python.
UTSEUS, Chine, 2024
Bases d’algèbre linéaire; diagonalisation, trigonalisaiton et applications pour des systèmes d’équations différentielles.